Gouvernement Princier de Monaco

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20 April 2018 News flash

2017 official population

As at 31 December 2017, the resident population is estimated at 38,300 people(+2,1 % compared to the previous estimate of 37,550 revised to 37,500 inhabitants). As a reminder, Monaco Statisticscarries out this estimation based...

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Couverture Focus Fonction publique 2017
20 April 2018 News flash

Focus: Public service

This Focus is about Monegasque Public service servants - administrative officers in "active" position. Substitute members replacing an active officer and temporary workers are not taken into account.As at 31 December...

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Couverture déclarez votre PIB 2017
16 April 2018 News flash

Enquête PIB 2018

Comme chaque année, la Principauté de Monaco va calculer en 2018 son Produit Intérieur Brut (PIB) pour l’année 2017, au terme d’une enquête statistique menée par l’Institut Monégasque de la Statistique et des Études Économiques...

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Barometer Retail trade
12 April 2018 News flash

Barometer – Retail trade : February 2018

The barometer on the business survey in February 2018 in the retail trade is online.According to the retailers interviewed, in February 2018,the business climate accentuates its progression in the retail trade and in the trade...

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Couverture Focus Salariés 2017
10 April 2018 News flash

Focus : Employees

This Focus is dedicated to employees registrated atMonaco Social Funds.In December 2017, there are49,693 employeesin the Principality's private sector, an increase of 1,774 employees (+3.7 %)compared to the previous year.Downlo...

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Couverture BTE 4T 2017
15 March 2018 News flash

Economy Bulletin 4th quarter 2017

The Bulletin of the Economy for the 4thquarter of 2017, on data collected since 1 January, is available online.The overall volume of trade increased (+€26m, or +1.1%). Exports fell(-€55.3m) and imports increased (+€80.8m): the...

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Barometer Retail trade
12 March 2018 News flash

Barometer – Retail trade : January 2018

The barometer on the business survey in January 2018 in the retail trade is online.According to the retailers interviewed, in January 2018,the business climate improves slightly in the retail trade and in the trade and repair o...

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Couverture Focus Météo 2017
20 February 2018 News flash

Focus : Climate and meteorology

The year 2017 was in line with the norms for the temperatures, but particularly dry with regard to the rainfall inputs.This sixth edition of theFocus : Climate and meteorology also presents an analysis of the sunshine, wind and...

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Couverture Observatoire Immobilier 2017
16 February 2018 News flash

2017 Real-Estate Observatory

The 2017 Real-Estate Observatory is available online.In 2016, no new programmes were marketed. In 2017, 15 housing units were delivered, but not all of these were for sale. "Off plan" sales of the Stella and Villa Tri...

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Couverture Rapport Recensement 2016
14 February 2018 News flash

2016 Census report's release

The 2016 population census full report is available online.For further information, you can access to the Population census section , or download the report .

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