Gouvernement Princier de Monaco

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Barometer Retail trade
12 February 2021 News flash

Barometer - Retail trade: December 2020

The barometer relating to the economic survey of December 2020 in the Retail trade is online.According to the retailers surveyed, in December 2020,the business climate reached its highest levelin retail trade and in trade and r...

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Logo IMSEE-Comité DFM
01 February 2021 News flash

Violence against women in Monaco in 2020

Produced at the request and with the support of the Women’s Rights Committee, it offers an overview of such violence according to various measurable indicators. The information was collected and analysed by Monaco Statistics fr...

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Couverture Observatoire Immobilier 2020
29 January 2021 News flash

Real Estate Observatory 2020

The Real Estate Observatory is online.The market for new sales is dependent on deliveries, and in 2020, just 26 apartments were delivered. As in 2019, off-plan sales accounted for the majority (75%) of transactions, nonetheless...

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25 January 2021 News flash

L’IMSEE a dix ans

L’IMSEE, et le Conseil Scientifique de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques, ont été créés le 24 janvier 2011 par l’Ordonnance Souveraine n°3.095, parue au Journal Officiel du 28 janvier 2011Depuis sa création, l’IMSEE a mi...

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Focus les femmes salariées dans le secteur privé
14 January 2021 News flash

Focus : Female employees in the private sector

At the end of 2019, more than 21,000 women were working in the private sector, accounting for 40% of the 53,091 private-sector employees. The majority of female employees live in France, are younger than their male counterparts...

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Barometer Retail trade
12 January 2021 News flash

Barometer - Retail trade: November 2020

The barometer relating to the economic survey of November 2020 in the Retail trade is online.According to the retailers surveyed, in November 2020,the business climatecontinues its slow recovering in retail trade and in trade a...

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Voeux 21
22 December 2020 News flash

Meilleurs voeux 2021

Toute l'équipe de l'IMSEE vous souhaite d'excellentes fêtes.Pour consulter notre carte de vœux virtuelle, veuillez cliquerici.

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Couverture BTE 3T 2020
15 December 2020 News flash

Quaterly Economic Report Q3 2020

The Monegasque economy, like the global economy, continues to feel the impact of a health situation that remains precarious and uncertain.In the Principality, despite a summer period that enabled activity to resume to a signifi...

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Barometer Retail trade
14 December 2020 News flash

Barometer - Retail trade: October 2020

The barometer relating to the economic survey of October 2020 in the Retail trade is online.According to the retailers surveyed, in October 2020,the business climate picks up its recovering again in retail trade and in trade an...

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11 December 2020 News flash

12e Conseil Scientifique de la Statistique et des Études Économiques

L’IMSEE a réuni, vendredi 27 novembre, le12e Conseil Scientifique de la Statistique etdes Etudes Economiques, exceptionnellement en visioconférence.Le Conseil Scientifique de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques, qui joue u...

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