Gouvernement Princier de Monaco

Online GDP Declaration

Téléservice PIB EN

As from 14 April 2014, the online service for declaring the information required for calculating GDP will once again be made available to economic stakeholders in the Principality of Monaco.

This online service makes it possible:

  • To declare the information needed to calculate GDP in a simple, secure way, using the Internet
  • To send several declarations at the same time
  • To make declarations by submitting files
  • To inform the person making the declaration that the information submitted has been taken into account
  • To consult and modify the information submitted

The only entity authorised to receive and manage these declarations is the Monegasque Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (IMSEE), which uses the information submitted for the sole purpose of statistical calculations.

Click here to find out more about how to declare the information necessary for calculating GDP and to access the online service.

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